Hallo everyone, I know I’m very late on this but I had to study and pass my architecture exams, so, the blog had to wait 😉
Well then, this is just a personal new. As I already told you in this post I started to collaborate with Fullcircle Magazine contributing with articles and… ta-daaaaaan! Some weeks ago I noticed that one of my articles has been published in Issue number 2 of Full Circle Magazine! It’s the article about how to install Ubuntu Feisty on a MacMini! 😀
I’m very happy about it since I’m not a programmer… and I can only contribute to the cause of opensource helping as much as I can the opensource projects with something different than code… for example graphics, pictures, spreading the voice and contributing, like in this case and like the entire case of my blog, with guides, how-tos and articles. And its nice to see that some of my hard work is appreciated and even published 😀
Very well then, to the next work. I already created a new article and sent it to the FullCirlce Magazine, I’ll post it here too as soon as possible, I hope it’ll be published together with some of my other works 🙂