Hello everyone, this post is just for those of you who assidually follow my blog (Very few I’m scared..). I’d like you to share my satisfaction with you guys 😀
Wow, growing fast in these days, isn’t it 😀 ?
Il Pozzo Oscuro is becoming every day more popular, every day deeper and deeper as new articles are being added on and on. I never cared about stats but it just happened that two days ago I looked at the stats page and… to my pleased astonishment I noticed that there has been a boom in views to my site, particularly due to some recent articles, in particular: Ubuntu VS OSX in Veronica Mars, Painting Programs for Linux, Art Of Cappuccino Theme for Linux, Solving Video Problems with Compiz Fusion, Compiz Fusion and latest eye candy things… and the Ubuntu K800i Themes!
I reached an important goal for a blogger, 1000 visits in a single day, here’s today’s stats:
As you can see, best day ever (Two days ago) points to more than 1000 visits in a single day! I also forgot to celebrate for the first 1000 views and the first 10’000 views of my site but that’s gone already (As you can see from the screenshot I already had 20’000 views!!) so at least I decided to celebrate with you for this little but important goal…
I’m amazed, thanks everyone for the support 🙂 I’ll surely keep up with my work since it seems that you find it very useful 😉