TaekwondoPavia.net and freewordpress.it

What to say? To make it short, I had to design a new taekwondopavia.net website again. The first version was hosted on an Aruba.it server, then I moved to freewordpress.it, supposing that a web 2.0 change would have been something new, great and stable to carry on the website of my taekwondo team but… I was wrong. I had to create an entire new website and design, here it is:

The new www.taekwondopavia.net website, again…

For no reason at all, at least no reason I can understand, one day the taekwondopavia.freewordpress.it website disappeared! Instead, an error message was displayed, warning people that the subscriptions for new users were closed! What? Who the hell cares about it and were the heck is my beloved website?! I sent them something like 4 mails. No answers at all.

Looks like it happened because freewordpress.it was sold to some new company and in changing from one server to the other some website got destroyed! How I know that? My taekwondo master sent a mail to the freewordpress.it staff too and he was luckier than me because they answered him. Now, this is surely no serious behavior for such a big name as freewordpress.it! I mean, wordpress.com would have never done such a thing to its users.

What’s worst is that I lost all the news I added to the website since it moved to freewordpress.it and that’s really frustrating and humiliating! You can’t even get close imagining how furious I am abotu this bad joke freewordpress.it made me >:[

Why did I choose freewordpress.it instead of wordpress.com then? Because the latter lets you choose a theme and just modify the header, if you are lucky, and some of the theme’s options while the former lets you edit the code of the theme and change each little picture. In fact, if you give a look to a survived screenshot of the freewordpress.it website, you’ll notice that it is no standard theme, I hacked it a lot starting from a template, I don’t remember which exactly right now, sorry.

The second, freewordpress.it version of the website…

So I needed full customization possibilities and opened the taekwondo website in freewordpress.it but it was an error. Should it ever open again, don’t create anything on that damned website! I don’t know who bought them now but I don’t thing they’ll became no serious choice for anyone! You are warned.

Now for the new site. It is on the aruba.it server of my taekwondo team again. I uses apple‘s IWeb to create it and it really looks great I believe 🙂

Of course I used no template, or better, I used the white template because in IWeb you cannot use “no template at all” and then created the new site over it. I hope you like it. The good news for me is that IWeb (the software I used for the OpenGEU website too) is an incredibly powerful toy and it lets me apply with extreme easy any extra html code, script, shadows, reflections and tons of customizations… it is really the best tool I ever saw for web pages creation… BUT, there are some bad news for me too….

  1. IWeb has no web 2.0 feature, so every page uses the sae pictures of the others but has to reaload the pictures each time, since they are contained in separated folders and duplicated for no reason at all (this could have been optimized indeed, mother Apple….), plus, every time I add a news, I have to modify the page’s shapes and borders to fit the new informations added to the pages, I also have to save, export and then upload the site every time… well, that’s what web 1.0 means I guess…
  2. Then IWeb has a number of defects. For example, it uses some scripts for the shadows displaying and these scripts doesn’t work in Firefox! Well, I guess this is also Firefox’s fault sicne IE or Safari are working great… I hope those from Firefox are going to support this kind of scripts soon… also, IWeb doesn’t allow me to insert metadata into teh pages, so I cannot, for example, automatically set the name of the pages with something different from the real names of the pages (for example, the News page cannot be called “Taekwondo Pavia Home Page”) and that’s really bad… really really bad….
  3. Plus, IWeb is for Mac only, of course, so I cannot use it in OpenGEU and it is not opensource (are you joking?! Of course it’s not!)… and that’s very bad for me again… but hey, what can I say, there’s no possible comparison on what you can create with IWeb or with any existing OpenSource web creation tool… sorry but that’s true. Once KompoZer (updated and bug-fixed version of the old and oh so great at its age NVU) could have been considered OK but now it is old, out dated and nothing new is coming out. IWeb lets me create astonishing things with very little extra effort, I can concentrate myself on graphics and webdesigning, what I see is really what I get, even if I see something really complicated, believe me! No damned opensource software can even get far away close to the astonishing power of the freaking IWeb… if only it hadn’t all the lacks I described above, it would be by far the best and ruling web creaton tool in the entire software scenary.

Well, that said, please enjoy the new http://www.taekwondopavia.net website 🙂


  1. hi friends
    you have done a nice work come and visit my site


  2. schwartzkneipe


    beh dopo avere appurato di conoscere i numeri coreani volevo esprimerti le mie rimostranze sul fatto che non hai scelto il bellissimo myspace per il sito della società sportiva taekwondo pavia.
    o magari splinder, la versione primitiva e malfunzionante di wordpress

    kudos in meno per te…

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