Automatix on Edgy / Dapper: Media Codecs and much MORE!

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In this post we’ll see how to quickly installa Automatix and what we need then to set up our Ubuntu Box to play Multimedia files such as divx, mp3, dvds and every other sort of media.

First I have to say that installing Automatix is the easiest way around to set your Ubuntu Box ready, since Ubuntu lacks an entire set of media codecs because they’re proprietary. Automatix has to be installed following the instructions on its own website, this instructions are really easy and step by step but they need you to open a console anywhere and copy past some code from the Automatix Website. Don’t be shy, don’t be scared, its everything for beginners. So, to install Automatix, follow this steps, depending on your Ubuntu system:

Automatix on Ubuntu Edgy

Automatix on Ubuntu Dapper

Now open up Synaptec (Gnome) or Adept (KDE) and look for automatix. You’ll notice that there is also Automatix Bleeder, another tool with different programs that can beinstalled, all very edgy teclonolyes oriented. Install this one too, I recommend it.

Well, now you’ll find Automatix and Automatix Bleeder in this menù entry:

Applications –> System Tools

Automatix Screenshot

Let’s start with Automatix. Insert your password, accept the licence, here we go. What do we want to install, first of all? Mark the following entryes first of all, and any other entry you may like too:

AUD-DVD Codecs (Note that this are not free, so be sure you can download it by the laws in your country)

Flash Player

Mplayer and FF Plugin

Multimedia Codecs

Sun Java JRE

Click on Install and let Automatix do the work for you. Now you have the multimedia setted up. You can add a lot of new functionalityes to Ubuntu thanks to Automatix. I recommend you the Extra fonts, Nautilus Scripts (If you use Gnome or Nautilus in general), Control-Alt-Del if you’re used to it by Windows, Archiving Tools, Backup and Restore, XDVDShrink (Linux version of DVD Shrink). As for the other programs, install whatever you like.

From Automatix Bleeder, essential things are:

Pdf Printer (Adds the pdf printer functionality so that you can print anything to pdf as you would do with Acrobat Distiller, a program that’s included in Acrobat Professional, with a cost of several hundred dollars)


Optimization Scripts

All of this tools has to be setted, so, follow automatix provided indications after the installation of each thing. I recommend you not to use Automatix Bleeder to install ATI or Nvidia drivers, I didn’t have a good experience with this. Allways prefer Envy over Automatix for this kind of operations, as I indicate in my Envy: Nvidia / ATI Drivers + Ubuntu Edgy / Dapper easily How To.

Now, have a good tweaking and be much more happy of your multimedia compatible Ubuntu Box!


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    I’m Out! 🙂

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