Hello everyone, artistic post today. Finally I found some time to create my personal Logo and Avatar and so, from now on, I’ll post in the various blogs and forums with this special signature 🙂
Anyone visiting my site often (I imagine very few people indeed) noticed for sure that since this morning the Header Image changed! In fact, I modified it to be much more customized to myself, using the images I just produced and am presenting here 😀
There’s maybe something to say about this drawings.
1) How did I realize them?
Using only Open Source software, specifically:
- The Gimp
- Inkscape
2) What do they represent?
- As for the Logo: it is L./T. D. M. Wich means both Luca De Marini (My real name) and The Dark Master. It hasn’t necessary got to be readable, so, don’t bother saying it is difficult to understand 🙂 it’s a personal artistic sign.
- Talking about the Avatar, well, it is complicated… it’s a penguin because I’m a Linux user and enthusiast, it has a sword because I practice historical fencing and am a member of the historical evocation group “Le Lame della Torre” (The Tower’s Blades) and the hat+cloack is because of the Role Playing Game I created… this last part is too much complicated, who knows me can understand it, let’s say that I’m a Guardian ;P The feather on the hat is there because I’m a writer and artist (I write stories and Role Playing Games and I like to draw various things, as you can guess by my website 😛 ) and the penguin has a long beak because all of my friends says that I have a long noose (I really think it is long indeed, but what can I do about it ;D )
Hope you like this!
Since this pictures represent ME, my Person, my works and so on, by downloading and showing to others this pictures you MUST agree that you are not going to use this pictures as your avatar, logo, and similar. Sorry for reserving completely copyrights on these works but they will also be on commercial material soon (Or I hope so, at least), therefore I cannot release these pictures under a, say, Creative Commons License. So, All Rights Reserved.
This is my Logo.
This work is Copyrighted: May 2007, Luca De Marini, All Rights Reserved.
And this is my Avatar.
This work is Copyrighted: May 2007, Luca De Marini, All Rights Reserved.
guarda che ti conosce sa bene che al massimo puoi impersonare un lupetto, uno struzzino, un tacchino o un ciuco!!!…di sicuro no un pinguino!!! e poi dove vuoi andare con quelle scarpe?? i pinguini mica hanno i piedi così!!! jurante!!!! i pinguini hanno i piedi a palma de majorca!!!!…ciao ciao la tua bimba!!!!
bè si in effetti ha ragione “nini”…purtroppo il pinguino non è proprio l’animale che ti si addice di più….
però la spada l’ho riconosciuta e forse avresti per questo
dovuto metterla più in mostra.
va bè,ciao