Introducing the PaciokLand BLOG!

Paciokland header

Once upon a time there was the PaciokLand website….

And I had no time to handle it. The page was and the domain by now doesn’t even exists anymore, of course. It was one of my first attempts at creating a webpage and it was built interally in Flash.

Paciokland Flash vecchio sito

It wasn’t much of a site and there wasn’t so much content. Later on I tried to update it with a new layout but I never released it. The layout was very poor by the way and since at that time I still used Windows XP and M$ Word to create pages, it wasn’t so easy to create a working page… really…

Today, thanks to wordpress, I can easily revive Paciokland (Click on the Link to visit the site!) with non effort, no time to loose, with some clicks, some little effort in graphics and writing but nothing more than that! I don’t even have to create a layout since it is all automated… and by the way I don’t have enough time to loose creating webpages just for passion since I already do it for work 🙂

But I’m pretty happy anyway about the art you can find somewhere in the site and also by the little creations I’m going to post there 🙂 I created some screenmates and am going to complete those I left incompleted and create some new Screenmates too. There are also a few MUGEN characters (Mugen is a 2D fighting game engine that lets you easily create a fighting game of your own just by downloading or creating characters yourself and by adding them to the main program), all about pigs of course….

Paciokland, in fact, is a site entirely dedicated to Pigs. I love pigs and my girlfriend loves them too. We’re crazy about pigs 🙂 We even owed a pig a few years ago, Speck’s the name but… sadly he was hill, his heart was not OK and after 3 years he just died…. leaving us alone…

In Paciokland you’ll find informations about how to raise a pig, how to take care of him, how to choose a pig’s breed and how to distinguish between a pig of one race to another… and of course you’ll find a lot of funny things too, like those softwares I was talking about before…. have fun with Paciokland! Ah, sorry, but it is going to be a site entirely written in Italian only…

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