Well, the pictures kinda explain everything I guess…
Uhm… see something weird on the screen or is it me?
I was taking my plain from Milano Linate’s Airport, I had to go to Brindisi in Puglia and… woa-hoa! What do I see here???
Incredible but true. In a very prestigious Italian Airport, here’s a giant screen with an illustrated animation but… something’s wrong! See, the Windows System just got a problem! There’s the security log in pop-up displayed and even the Task Bar is visible! Really nice to see how Windows can create problems at every level of use 🙂
Dear Milano Linate administrators, why not switching to a more solid platform? Let’s see… Linux?
Well but after all we can see that even on this airport and in this particular computer, they use Opensource software after all! And here it goes Firefox, perfectly visible on the taskbar!
A zoom on the taskbar reveals the presence of the Firefox Web Browser! LOL… 😀
What can I say? It’s really shameful and ridiculous but at least they had enough brain to use the burning fox… too bad they didn’t use a Linux system instead of that crappy and buggy Windows OS…