Well, the title kinda says it all if someone already knows this news… what are we talking about, you may ask instead? I’ll explain.
Lately there has been a pair of new strange softwares for Windows XP, very strange and unusual softwares indeed…. the first to appear has been Wubi and it was an incredible new to me. I tryed it on one of my friend’s PC with windows, call him Ciro. Ciro was afraid of partitioning the windows (NTFS) partition, because he basically knows almost nothing about informatics and he thought that the windows partition may have been erased or that the PC would have runt slower ( O_o !!!!!). Yes, really. Useless to explain him it was impossible, you know how this things work, I believe.
Now, Ciro did like my beryl effects on Ubuntu Feisty and his brother was on the way to destroy the entire HD and install Ubuntu just to have Beryl and to say goodbye to DRMs (One of his friends copyed him a number of MP3s with DRM and he was shocked that his PC was unable to play ’em… of course I told him, they belong to your friend! You can’t exchange a drm protected mp3 without cracking it… and on and on with the lesson… 🙁 ….)
So I told the 2 brothers about Wubi, I just discovered it and tried it out on my virtual machine with a licensed winXP on it. They where enthusiast. Why is that? What does Wubi do?
1) It is a program installable in XP. You run it, tell him how much hard disk space to use, which language, which username and pass to use and which ubuntu distribution to use and it downloads Ubuntu and sets it up for you (You can also give Wubi a predownloaded iso file if you prefer or have no connection on the PC you’re installing Ubuntu into, and that was my case, but you’ll need the alternate iso).
2) Wubi does a trick: it creates a folder where it stores a number of virtual hard disks, actually large files, one for the system, one for your home dir and one for swap file. So it does NOT FORMAT OR PARTITION you preexistent partition. That’s the best advantage of all: every single windows user I know doesn’t whant to install ubuntu because he’d have to partition the HD… risky indeed and then it is very tricky and difficult to “Uninstall ubuntu” and make the partition as it was before, if you don’t like it.
3) You restart the PC, you now have a boot selector, WinXP or Ubuntu (This is a dos boot selector, absolutely no grub or lilo or whatsoever linux related), you choose Ubuntu, Wubi finishes the Ubuntu installation automatically and then you log normally in Ubuntu as if it was on a partition. only the HD is virtualized but it is a file, a physical one, so it runs perfectly, at the same speed it would in the case you partitioned…
So I went on with this and even created the Italian translation for Wubi (If you install it in Italian, the translation is by me, any argue about how has it been done? Comment here! ;P , I was about to create a topic here about Wubi to promote it but then….
Ciro called me, he was very scared. It appears that his Ubuntu, dunno why, is unable to log-out on his PC. If you do log out, to change user, for example, you get a black screen, freezed. Have to restart the PC manually to get out of this, no command works (Not even alt + ctrl + f*)… while this is not an issue in a Linux formatted FS, since ext3, for example, is very difficult to break, it is a very big problem if you use an NTFS or Fat partition…. because this partitions are shitty. How many times did you lose your data in windows after a crash or by force quitting / restarting the system in a crash of any sort? Plenty, in my old memories.
So Ciro restarted the PC and it said there was no available boot disc. Ouch O_O !!! Astonishment. Fear. And then Despair. Ciro cried at me: wasn’t this safe? Did I lose my windows data!? Argh!!
He had an heart attack, I had two, because the responsibility, of course, was mine. Plus you couldn’t even imagine the bad publicity Linux would have gained with this friend of mine from Naples talking about it around…. he likes way too much talking about things he can’t understand…
So I downloaded a rescue disc of some sort, flew to his house and started hacking his HD. Luckily, after a few tries and hints from the MS site itself, I solved the problem, what an irony, with a free software… the disc was repaired, master boot made safe, etc. Windows booted once again… phewww!!!! -_-
So I uninstalled immediately Wubi… Ubuntu is difficult to crash but some times it does, and if you restart your system brutally on NTFS, not ext3, your data are likely to be erased and lost!!! My God, Wubi is really a dangerous way to install Ubuntu, believe me, use it with caution, you’re warned. I installed Ubuntu partitioning Ciro’s PC after that and he was very happy about it and didn’t notice any slowdown (Of course 😉 )…
What about this new tool, Goodbye to Microsoft? It’s a Debian installer but I read on a lot of ignorant people’s blog that it is like Wubi. It is NOT!
I downloaded and tried it myself on my VirtualMachine with XP. This Debian installer downloads an installer version of Debian from the net. After that, it installs the Debian installer on the PC. When you reboot you have a menù to choose: windows or “debian installer”. Choose the second and a normal Debian Net Installer loads! With this installer you’ll have to do everything you would have done with a normal debian CD! You will have to partition you HD as normal, etc, so it uses NO VIRTUAL DISC AT ALL, it is NOT like Wubi.
This tool is in my opinion quite useless. It is not user friendlier than an Ubuntu Live CD, it’s the opposite. You don’t even have the chance to test the compatibility of Debian with your machine (it’s not a Live CD) but go on with a blind Debian installation! So if it works bad, after partitioning, you’ll hate linux for the rest of your ignorant life.
Then another problem: since it does a normal install and actually partitions you HD (See the picture up here I screenshotted if you don’t believe me… and why shouldn’t you??), even with the assisted process there’s always a chance that you format your entire HD by doing something wrong and loose your data. Now, if you did it on purpose with a debian CD ok, but if you got illuded and enchanted by this tool thinking of it as an easier way to install debian, and maybe a safer one, you’re wrong man. This isn’t safer at all.
Another note: many people out there think of this tool as a Debian official thing and therefor started to insult the debian developers mindlessly… read the page. It’s from third party, so the Debian theme is not responsible for this shameful and IMHO useless tool..
Conclusions? There is no easier way than a Live CD today to install Linux… unless you run it on a Virtual Machine, don’t get enchanted by this miracle-promising tools: you’d be really disappointed!
Pingback: Virtual Personal Computer In Their View: OK, smarty pants, chill me a beer then jump in.. » The PC Info
Wubi, works just fine for me, I tryed it with the version of WUBI-7.04.04 , it boots no hard drive problems at all , I have a pentium 4 based pc. with nvidia card and a linksys 54G type card, need either ndiswrapper to get net working uin
sabayon 3.4e I did not need the ndiswrapper but the older versions of bcm43xx it does not detect my card right on
with sabayon 3.4e seemed to have the bcm43xx driver working right because it detected the router on that card, I just wish that Wubi had a more up to date linux with it, its so outdated version that it downloads with it , its like months old version
Wubi uses a linux with a old version of the bcm43xx drivers or it is lacking something needed for wireless net access
The reason I prefer the dvd image of sabayon 3.4e is because it has nvidia drivers, 3d games, included with it , more than one shell both kde and gnome included , wireless net card driver working without the use of ndiswrapper that really good and really new , but it does need acpi=off command so on the installed version of it , gentoo based linux not debian based … acpi again is need for it does not lockup my pc in kde, that happens without acpi disabled
Wubi lacks most of these options like 3d games and working 3d drivers , which you can install off of nvidia site but you don’t get the 3d games and you most either disable the bcm43xx driver which is easyer than trying to get them to work on your own, and then enable the ndiswrapper with linksys drivers , and input /etc/net/interfacts , the essid and key wep info for startup both debian and gentoo store the info differently, not sure why that is
and with Wubi with you pick kde , then you need to apt-get intall gnome and that takes a lot of time, or if you pick the gnome then you need to apt-get the kde and also takes a lot of time, some apps require some of both of these shells for their useage , its better when a iso image has both of the desktops then less more downloading is need, it would be said to say download one desktop after installing it then booting back into windows, and remove it , its really to easy for anyone to deinstall it from a windows partion like ntfs, but I do like the idea of installing linux onto a real ntfs partion and being able to access and create files from linux under it as the host,
I don’t no if you guys no this but under windows my computer properties you can edit that boot file for startup
just select advanced and Startup and Recovery and Settings
under System Startup you can edit it so it only boots up the linux
under To edit the startup options file manually , click edit then keep the linux line under it but select and delete the following line
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)THE_XP=”Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
Change the Default= c:wubildr.mbr to this I think
and delete the
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)THE_XP=”Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
I think that all you need ir to do for it , so then it will always only boot linux but all the ntfs files can still be access and writting to under linux… but if you need windows for any reason like games don’t do this .. to your system , oherwise warned
I hope that writer friend did not do this , maybe that why it did not boot windows , since the Wubi does not install a grub loader if uses the default loader that comes with windows xp , so this writting web page he wrote sounds a little bit on the fishy side of it, I notice also he does not say what type of computer it was nore which windows version his friend has, it could of just been a bad hard drive , I tested wubi on both my pro xp version and my dads laptop which has home on it 30gb drive its a old laptop and I had to set the gb size under 7 gbs on my dads old computer to get it too boot plus I did not want it too take up that much room on it since its main drive is so small compared to my 200gb drive that my pc uses right now
No problem about the version at all. Download the alternate CD of the version you like, put it into the wubi dir and wubi will install it without downloading a single file! Easyer than this….
as for the HD problem, if you read, it can happen only if you crash the system and force-restart it. And this CAN happen because of the windows filesystem, it’s not wubi’s fault of course. It’s just that windows has this kind of file system 🙁
Robert you seem a little confused. You write as if I wasn’t the one who wrote the article….
“I hope that writer friend did not do this , maybe that why it did not boot windows ,”
what does it mean? I’m the writer. And what are you saying? Crazy. Read the article again, I said that Ubuntu booted normally, XP did it too. The problems occurred when Ubuntu crashed and my friend had to force reboot! At that point, as often happens with windows drives, the filesystem broke! In this cases there’s no reason and meaning in talking about specs! And the HD was new as the HP desktop PC we used! This is just meaningless, man! The problem was that the fylesystem got corrupted because of a force restart, that’s all.
Before that Ubuntu and XP worked both very well.
And then you say another crazy thing: edit the booting file and remove XP? What are you talking about, XP remains installed that way, and this isn’t even a proper Ubuntu installation, it isn’t good for anything to do such a crazy thing! If you don’t plan to use windows anymore, you backup your needed data and install Ubuntu with its own ext3 file system, formatting! Otherwise you make a partition but that’s crazy to use Ubuntu with Wubi just removing XP from the boot list!!! Running Ubuntu from an NTFS filesystem is really dangerous, I explained it here, if you didn’t get the point, read again, sorry, maybe I expressed badly what I meant but really…. my God :/
Also, you write as if you thought that Wubi IS UBUNTU. You compare Wubi with Sabayon. Sare you joking? Sabayon is a Linux Distro, Wubi is just a windows program that installs for you Ubuntu. So you maybe wanted to talk about Ubuntu….? Uhm….
I miss wrote a few things sorry and I don’t always readback what I write, but is your friend hd drive is it ntfs or fat32 in windows xp, I have never had a fylesystem got corrupted because of a force restart, I have manualy reboot my pc more than once before and have never had a corrupted drive, it just does not happen with windows xp, at least not for me, like every time I press the reboot button in windows , it will restart windows like normal without any big problems , once and a while it can ask on startup of windows to check the disk for errors
also a long time ago , I did own a hp computer I think it was when windows 98 was first out I think , after some time , I think it had hardware failer problems, they or least the hp I had was not well made, I don’t really remember it too well but I think it had a bios or processor fail in it I think it was the proccesor I think it was a 386 pc type..
My current pc is like pentium 4 3GHZ , intel bios , nvidia geforce 6800 GT card, generic dvd rw 12XMax , creative SB Live sound card
, I think my dad 30gb laptop can corrupt with non-windows xp decompressing software buyware type software but that the only time I have seen a xp windows computer have a hd corrupted
I really think it more has to do with your friends system, than anything else , hp computer are not that well made,
My dad laptop that can corrupt with decompression software that the non-xp type is a Toshiba Satellite laptop, I think these , my sister has also a Toshiba Satellite laptop and she had to have the hd drive repaired once since it like failed on her, which happens when they over heat , which in CA, can happen when your house does and have a good cooling system in it
I know I made a few mistakes , in my writing, I just a student etc.. so I do make a few writting mistakes once and a while , I don’t need to say anymore on that
also I was comparing UBUNTU with that of Sabayon, I sm good writting stuff as most , and I do tend to make mistakes in my writting process
— And then you say another crazy thing: edit the booting file and remove XP? What are you talking about, XP remains installed that way, and this isn’t even a proper Ubuntu installation, it isn’t good for anything to do such a crazy thing!
It was just a idea I had that if you remove the bootup option for windows xp and only booted the Wubi = UBUNTU linux, that it would be more stable on the os linux system, and would cause less errors then booting into windows , not sure but the next stuff I wrtie below has to do with booting up problems that can happen if you either have your ntfs or fat32 drive in compressed state or if its
its just a idea that the more you boot into windows , the less stable the linux drive could become that just a idea , I could be wrong about that, again the idea of removing windows xp from the boot up menu from xp is just a idea, I would never do that since I need xp for most of my games and real video editting , which linux still lacks in
fragmentered of ntfs , which can happen a lot, I heard that UBUNTU with Wubi would not even boot unless the ntfs is Disk Defragmenter used on it, that if its not Defragmentered that linux don’t bootup etc.. I also heard that the drive its installed on needs to be decompression , it can’t be compressioned with ntfs option or again linux will not boot on it or get errors
also I may of beening thinking of something I was not clean of how I wrote it down that happens sometimes, or I can once and a while mis write stuff , again sorry for the confusion their UBUNTU like about debian based systems is the apt-get
gentoo based linux I like Sabayon its more update than UBUNTU
Wubi is a nice software, that works just fine for me, but I wish they made it for Sabayon 3.4e dvd instead of that UBUNTU thats the only problem I got with it, yes its nice that debian systems are small or easyer to update, but they don’t give you as much software as sabayon comes with , like for example wine-doors comes with sabayon 3.4e but not that UBUNTU.. wine-doors, and the 3d games only come with gentoo based linux os or is installerable with gentoo only, I think .debian lacks 3d games like it comes with
also lacks 3d nvidia drivers which sabayon also comes with and thats the only way to get that 3d desktop type software working right off with the dvd iso image etc.. and yes that was a bit off topic
as for the HD problem, if you read, it can happen only if you crash the system and force-restart it. And this CAN happen because of the windows filesystem, it’s not wubi’s fault of course. It’s just that windows has this kind of file system 🙁
are you talking about forceing a restart in windows or linux?
what much was unclear, I heard that wubi system lets call in on the ntfs , if the hard drive has errors like needs to be scaned in windows for errors or its fragmented that linux don’t boot they talk about that off their main site for the software , is that wants this whole topic is on? so just scan windows and fix the problems and linux will boot again right ? no problem their that seems simple , I am not that sure what format linux runs off of in linux but fsck console is also a hard drive checks for linux and can fix linux problems I hope that helps
never give a user the root , password unless they know what they are doing etc.. in linux the root access can be hardfull to the system in the wrong hands, etc.. I think
Another note: many people out there think of this tool as a Debian official thing and therefor started to insult the debian developers mindlessly… read the page. It’s from third party, so the Debian theme is not responsible for this shameful and IMHO useless tool..
I hope you know that this wubi tool is going into the next UBUNTU version its going to come with it in 7.10 I hear from web sites saying so , as far as I can tell its true , it may be unoffical now but its going to be a offical thing in the new version, I guess we will just have too weight and see if that true
part of the last one I mad a few mistakes in writting it
what much was unclear, I heard that wubi system lets call it.
In on the ntfs , if the hard drive has errors like needs to be scanned in windows for errors or its fragmented
that wubi type linux system don’t boot , it wil lockup in the bootup kernel if theirs errors on the ntfs hard drive, you have to fix it first, don’t no for sure if thats true or not for everyone
they talk about that off their main site for the software
I may of made a little mistake reading that I was think of the wubi tool but debian tool talking about too it was unclear which software this refers to since , both are based on the debian system, UBUNTU is just a modifyed version of debian , debian is at its based system
ow and yes if you got any more offical problems with wubi you should use this forum to post about it , so they can help you
this is from here. text from web browser , to give you the idea where to look at for hard drive help or if you feel you need to post your friend hardware problems with wubi , I hope that helps if , you don’t no of this forum site
the very first message here sounds a bit , off they got the debian and wubi tools mixed up, it makes me think they think your talking about the same tool, which it is not…???
Their mixing up that debian tool with the Ubuntu tool which are too different programs
11 Responses to “Wubi, will say Goobye to Microsoft? Not really…”
[…] Wubi, will say Goobye to Microsoft? Not really? Conclusions? There is no easier way than a Live CD today to install Linux? unless you run it on a Virtual Machine, don?t get enchanted by this miracle-promising tools: you?d be really disappointed! […]
Virtual Personal Computer In Their View: OK, smarty pants, chill me a beer then jump in.. » The PC Info said this on August 19th, 2007 at 11:54 am
Also, Sabayon is a wonderfull distro, create by Italians like me and it always uses the latest softwares around, even if they’re unstable… and Wine Doors is unstable at this stage, I’m a developer of Wine Doors so I can tell. Nothing to say against the Sabayon poolitics but it is very different from the goal of Ubuntu. A stable yet powerful Linux distro for humans.
Listen , I see you’re a Linux newbye, right? Ok, I’m not, so please don’t share confusion with my visitors that may read the comments… Why are you saying this kind of things now? It’s completely out of topic.
I am not exacly a newbye, also from most of mine time, I have never had the ntfs corrupt on me, I know how to save get ndiswrapper working, with essid and key , in both auto run files in linux, used /etc/network/intefaces on debian based one , and have compiled linux software from source on linux, before, also know how to make my own Xp Live cd/dvd boots, used bartpe before and other like it. even made a bootable vista pe 2.0 bootdisk before with the use of that software that comes from http://boot-land.net of WINBUILDER, which is really a handly piece of software, since I know how to say use make and ./configure , type commands in linux I won’t think of myself as a linux newbye, no I been playing with linux for some time now.. and sorry if I write too much or its , but I am good at getting most of my stuff working in linux, but I am not perfect at it,
as for the ntfs being unstable for linux to use, could it possible that in time, they can fix the unstable problems with linux wubi software, maybe include more software that could make ntfs more stable in cause of such problems as these? software that could in fact maybe help in stay more stable on both sides of the operating systems? or is this just not possible to make ntfs a more stable type of system for use with wubi?
I know its not really a good reason , for my writting problems but I have learning problems since I was little in both english and math type class , its even called special ED , in high school back then . colleage they call it DESP type program , in arts , computers , and swimming I do better than my math area or english writting area, if that expains my writting problems for you , I just did not really want to say this … I prefer not to say it too much
I even tryed to sometimes with getting it to work and other times not I have say compiled my own or recompile the linux kernel before, its been a long time since I have done that, I think you can use make xconfig but some linux version its broken on If I remember right I have used distrowatch.com to find linux distro with that ..
more detail on using make
make dep for some stuff
and make modules make modules_install
make install , all under the root access
So I know how to install linux stuff from source but its been a longtime I got use to a little using the apt-get and emerge commands for updating or install software , but if sometimes their not a software or in it I have installed stuff right off the source code with use of such commands as make , cmake or gmake I think its been a few different ones before , the only system I am not too good at yet is that freebsd , which has if I remember a very unstable system compared to ntfs, its very easy to corrupted the freebsd disk drive format
Your writing problems? Even if you don’t right all that well I do understand everything, why are you saying this?
Anyway, as for NTFS… it is MS, it is closed code and it has been created for Windows… no chance of modifying it of course… strange you ask 🙂 !
Anyway you convinced me, I’m going to tell the guys from Wubi my experience. It will serve to nothing in my opinion but at least they’ll probably add a warning message during install or before you install it….
Anyway, as for NTFS… it is MS, it is closed code and it has been created for Windows… no chance of modifying it of course… strange you ask
if you think about it even thou its closed code their are many programs out their on the net , to do in fact , modify aome of for example look at tweakgui, nlite is a big one that modify windows , theirs the shareware program xplite that also changes stuff in windows, nlite is freeware which I prefer , if you do anuff digging thought the whole web , you will find many different type of programs that in fact, can either change customize windows, skins, freeware shells, that replace explorer.exe shell etc.. , some like xplite, can remove windows software right from the os , their even a vlite program that can make and remove windows vista software from it, the nlite gives you more options than vlite but its make by the same people, if you think about it you can even remove the whole Internet Explorer 6 and 7 with the use of xplite or nlite , so if a program like nlite, that can add stuff to a windows install and even change code in it with addons, then in fact they are already modifying windows without microsoft;s permission , so I think to somewhat that statement about windows not being able to be change is somewhat untrue , because their is software out their already can is or changing stuff even if it is closed source os
also for example kde 4 is going to be ported to windows, and they have even started porting software code of kde 4 to windows, if people test using it as their shell etc.. will that make microsoft mad? I saw .that their is even a windows installer in the works for kde 4 off of kde main web site , under kde 4 downloads , but its in a state before beta codec I think?
I have even seen a program that allows for ext2 and ext3 partitions to be mounted under windows, and can be writting and read from like a normal windows partition to be able to mount it they most of known somewhat how the windows codec works right?
also I think it would be possible for someone to change or addon to the ntfs system with the use of nlite addon or thing that allows it to add source patches with the nlite, software, they could say patch windows with nlite to use either resizerfs or ext3 or ext2 or ext4 with windows right? if they patched windows by using say nlite, is it possible to get remove the ntfs format style hard drive and with the use of nlite add in a open source formated code like for example ext3 or another linux type format like code like kde 4 can be compiled onto windows, why not a new hard drive formats that linux supports like that resizerfs format? and then after the code is ported over to windows and able mount it like as resizerfs as C: drive for example , for example they seem to of gotten windows ntfs to be mounted as host under linux , it can easy mount and delete or add new files under it with linux , how hard would it be to get windows to really boot off of a linux partition? and if you put it into a windows install cd/ or dvd with the use of nlite, it would be possible to get rid of ntfs and use a better open source hd format for windows , correct me if I a wrong some how? I have seen how nlite works, it can add windows patches , add sp2 to the default cd, and even add shareware programs onto it as addons , so it could add new hard drive formats to the default windows system too right?
I hope you see the idea I am getting at if linux format of hd drive is so better than ntfs, and if windows booting off of resizerfs or ext3 or ext2 linux needs this to mount to too boot right? that if windows ran off of another type of hd system that in fact m wubi would be more stable if the windows partition was not either ntfs or fat32 , is fat32 as unstable as ntfs?
I just needed to ask that question about fat32 since I got too hard drives in my computer , the second one is smaller in size but it would be easy to change it format to fat32 if thats more stable for use with wubi installer software?
but back to the real question is by using nlite it could add new linux formats that windows could run off of their by fixing any stable problems with wubi? if windows did not use ntfs or fat32?
also if windows could use resizerfs or resizer4 or ext3 or ext4 etc partitions then hard drive corruptions would be less happening and you would not need to defrag the windows partition so much for linux to run on it with the use of nlite of course since its also freeware like , as a addon pack installed by nlite could change the hd drive in anyway it may need to be changed by of course this would be unsupported by microsoft, I think even nlite itself is unsupported by microsoft anyway , on nlite’s forums it has a addon pack forum their that users post addons or requests for addons , but I am not saying that porting over other hd linux formats would not be hard, I don’t think I could do it, at my level of computer experiences but I am thinking their some out their that maybe can do this without modifying windows source code. addons I think like for example the one that lets you addon ext3 or ext2 support in windows at some point they don’t no the source code for windows but they still get the job done anyway for example to being to view and modify the ext type patition from windows, anyway it may be hard to change the drive type that windoews boots off of , I don’t really no but it would make windows better off then it is right now , I think anyone that would have to defrag their drive less in windows would like this really, like if you download a lot of software onto your hd drive or free anime off the web etc.. or download the star trek new voyager, fan videos to your hd drive each time it need more and more defragging of that ntfs,
well I hope you get my point why I think windows users would be better off it they had a better type of hd format than ntfs for windows , and I think that nlite would be the best way of intergrating such a system into windows itself
Your writing problems? Even if you don’t right all that well I do understand everything, why are you saying this
I don’t always right done what I am thinking that well and out of content sometimes, you know like if you were writting a english paper, you need to do steps in writting it, lets just say I never got past enlish 905 class , because of my writting problems I think , thats why I did not past it, its been a long time since I took english 905, that was a very hard type class for my writting problems I think , so I never got to the english 1a class, they would not yet me take it since , I did not past english 905
my writing I think has gotten better but , sometimes its not all that together with writting stuff down right I think, I hope that ansers that question if it was a question
I also have some spelling mistakes in it like for example I missed that done word it should of been down , I did not notice that until I hit submit comment sorry about that , I press the button too fast, anyway
off topic I know, I don’t no if you a fan of star trek shows, but this thursday I think their releasing a new EPISODE 3 from the website of http://www.startreknewvoyages.com/
anyway I am looking forward to watching it, I use to watch the old star trek shows on tv the real ones, and this as good as it gets now days for star trek shows, being new…since 44 stopped the str trek with enterprise show… that was very sad for them to cut it.. a lot of people like star trek even these days and its better than watching the news on tv , these days it seems like the news is nothing but bad stuff happen in the world at least thats the way it seems ,anyway
.even if the lost makers are making a star trek movie I heard that some where too, this site has some good stuff in it for their works they done so far
A Romulan weapons test goes awry and snares the Enterprise in an inter-dimensional trap. Lt. Commander Sulu returns to find himself 30 years out of place and the key to saving the crew of the Enterprise as the precarious grasp on their own dimension begins to slip. Guest starring George Takei, who returns to the role of Hikaru Sulu, which he played on television in Star Trek (TOS) and in Star Trek: Voyager, as well as in the six feature Star Trek films. Written by Michael Reaves and Marc Scott Zicree. Directed by Marc Scott Zicree. RELEASE DATE ANNOUNCED!
and yes and copy and pasted the desiption above of it, not sure if its been updated since then , I hope that was ok…
If you want something like the debian goodbye-microsoft installer for Ubuntu, see UNetbootin at http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html
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I’d read your blog more, but the color scheme makes it a real chore. How about some contrast? Please?
Oh, and I installed Ubuntu and Kubuntu on my tower and laptop, respectively. No problems experienced whatsoever.
For me, it is “Goodbye, Microsoft!”
Wow! The colors just changed and I can read everything now. Weird. Went from black on dark green to white on dark green. Much better for reading.
Wow, nice… Zenwarrior, I didn’t change anything 🙂
Some proper English please? Nice blog but really hard to follow as English is not your native tongue. Why not write it in your native tongue or get someone else to write it for you?
This is offensive. I really think I can write / speak a very nice English. If you don’t think so, free to move somewhere else, just don’t bother here, please.
Concerning Wubi: Did you try Magic SysRq? I think that’s activated in Ubuntu by default. I still think it’s pointless, though. If you want to evaluate Ubuntu, get a live CD, or a virtual machine. If you want to install Ubuntu, install it.
Tahnks for posting