Finally, we have an Official Roadmap for the development of the next release of Geubuntu: Luna Nuova, based of course on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy.
Inside of the Roadmap you’ll find all of the .deb packages we need for our distro. Every file you may need to create those .deb packages is online, ready for you to download, so that everyone can try and contribute creating the packages we need. As soon as we manage to have the right .deb packages for Feisty and THEN for Gutsy, we’ll be able to release Geubuntu Luna Nuova, so if you care about our young distro, please help us spreading the word, creating the simple packages we need, in any way.
What we need you to do is explained in the roadmap but the plan is basically as follows:
– In the roadmap you’ll find links to zipped files which should be converted in .deb format for an easy install in an Ubuntu Feusty (7.04) system. Some of those compressed files may contain further instructions, such as dependencyes and the likes. Of course, all of those package (Only four packages are needed!!) depend on each other. One of those packages is just a metapackage, geubuntu-desktop. See the roadmap for more infos.
– Once packages for Ubuntu Feisty (Geubuntu Prima Luna) has been created, all users running Geubuntu Prima Luna will be able to install and download them from a repository we’ll create. Nothing will change for those users, since they allready had all the files needed embedded in Gubuntu Prima Luna, but in that way, they’ll be able to easily upgrade to Geubuntu Luna Nuova.
– New versions of each package has to be created for Ubuntu Gutsy (Geubuntu Luna Nuova). At this point, once all of the new debs will be uploaded in our repos, we’ll test a dist-upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy, that is from geubuntu Prima Luna to Luna Nuova. If all goes well, the packages will be officially released and people will be able to dist-upgrade.
– Before the release of Luna Nuova we’ll need the packaging of some E17 apps too. Depending on timing, we may decide to release Geubuntu Luna Nuova aniway and add those apps to the repos once they’re completed. They’re not fundamental for the development of Luna Nuova, since they won’t be activated by default.
We also have an ICR Channel now, so you keep in touch with us very easily, bot with our Forums and Our IRC Channel! Please come Join in!
That’s all! Geubuntu is a communitary project and we really NEED your help now 🙂 ! I cannot create deb packages but if someone out there is able to do it, why not joining in and helping a bit? I’m sure it doesn’t take so much time to do 😉
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